Baby Kameron is one year old!
Below are questions I asked his mom after one year of creating baby portraits for Kameron about what this journey has been like for her.
Congratulations Mom baby Kameron is one year old. What was this year like for you? Physically, emotionally or mentally. (remember there are no right or wrong answers)
It was a whirlwind! Overall things got easier with time. I think every stage has its highlights and challenges. Since he’s been walking it’s definitely been more physically challenging than anything.

What has been your favorite part of this stage now that baby kameron is one?
Kam is starting to talk more, play independently and develop his personality (including likes and dislikes). My favorite thing has been watching his habits like ALWAYS putting his cup in the cupholder, needing two of whatever he’s eating (one for each hand) and moving his chair to the perfect angle before sitting down.
Tell us about your child, what’s his personality like so far? What’s he up to at this stage?
He is a jokester. Example….offers you food to share. You go to take a bite and he pulls it away quickly and takes the bite himself, laughing at you. We love how goofy he is but know he will continue to be the wild child.
He’s also getting into everything. Nothing is safe if he can reach it or open it.
Has this first year of motherhood changed you?
My husband says I’ve gotten calmer and more patient LOL. I think it’s helped me to become softer in some ways. I’ve always been the independent I can do it all type, but now I’ve learned to lean on support systems and that it’s alright to not do it all.
In what ways do you think Kameron is like you? And what about your partner?
I think he is like me in the way he’s social and meets no stranger. He also loves soccer which was my sport growing up. I’m also particular…and he is too (ie, the cup needing to be in the cupholder).
He is like his dad for his love of music, all other sports and super active. He also can be impatient and insist on getting what he wants which his dad admits is all him 😉
What was the most useful baby product you loved?
Halo swaddle. The Velcro was the only thing keeping him swaddled
What was the least useful baby product you tried?
For us baby wearing products. He didn’t like it.
Any advice for fellow moms or moms-to-be? What is the best advice you have received on your journey?
Enjoy the different stages. Be prepared but be prepared to change plans
How are you feeling about the little love stories journey? The one year baby portrait process? Anything I can do to change or improve the experience?
We’ve really loved every session! And getting to capture all the baby milestones I don’t think we would have without it.
Ready to learn more about our little love stories portrait sessions to capture baby’s first year? Get in touch here.
Expecting a newborn? Just want to get more baby fixes? Check out my friend’s blog all about newborn detail portraits not to miss during the newborn stage