Interview Before Her Dream Baby Arrived
Tell me your family story!
- We were surprised to find out we were expecting but are patiently awaiting the arrival of our sweet princess. Earlier this year our three-year-old told us she met her sister in her dream but she wasn’t real yet. She would not be real until later. About two months later I found out I was pregnant with a little girl.
Describe your pregnancy journey. Have you had any surprises (good or bad)?
- The pregnancy overall was a surprise but thankfully we are both healthy. COVID has definitely changed things a lot and no one knows I’m pregnant except my immediate family.
What do you like to imagine for your child’s future?
- I know this little girl is going to be a light in this world because she has already been such a light during this dark year.
What would you like your baby to know about YOU (their beautiful mama!)?
- How much I adore her, how I didn’t plan for her but she is anything but an accident.
Finish this sentence. Motherhood is …
- You are beautiful and stronger than you even know
Why are beautiful photos important for you and your family?
- They are so important to capture these moments in time.
Interview After Alyssa arrived
Tell us about the first moments with your baby?
- Our first moments with Alyssa were so precious. After she was born they had to take her to NICU to monitor her so initially we could only see her for a second but I was just amazed at how beautiful and little she was. I just kept saying she looks just like me.
Any surprises in labor and delivery? Anything you didn’t expect?
- The entire experience was very dramatic. I fainted after my anesthesia, Alyssa had turned unexpectedly and labor was delayed and she didn’t cry immediately. I just kept praying let my baby be ok. For our last child, she definitely had a very dramatic entrance.
What’s the best part of being a new mom?
- The best part of this birth was just meeting the little person that kicked me for nine months. Also learning what people meant by not realizing how much this new addition completed our family.
What’s the hardest part?
- Making sure everyone feels important and loved.
What surprises has this month brought you?
- Just so much joy and excitement to a year that carried a lot of uncertainty and hardships.
Can you imagine a sweeter story of a dream baby? Me either, Are you expecting? I’d love to help you capture your dream baby’s newborn stage. I’m now booking newborn love stories sessions during the last trimester of pregnancy. If you are expecting a baby, now is the time to get in touch. Drop me your contact information below