Alright friends new this year I am going to be featuring some guest posters to talk about things you all may be curious about. First off we have Cultural Care Au Pair to tell about What an au pair is and what they do. I personally did not know all the details of an au pair. Of course I was curious to know more, so without further ado!

What is an au pair? 

An au pair is a young adult from overseas who lives with your family on a legal visa for up to two years.  This person is here to provide childcare in exchange for room and board. Plus an opportunity to become part of an American family. Au pairs can care for your children on a schedule that works for your family’s personal needs, making it a very flexible option. They can also help with household duties related to your children, including laundry, cooking and room pick-up. He or she can work up to 45 hours a week, no more than 10 hours per day. The extra set of hands they provide is often just what busy families need to make their lives more manageable and more fun!

What's an au pair infographic, learn more

Cultural Care

Our program works best for families who like the idea of welcoming someone who becomes an extended family member into their homes.  And for families who have a genuine interest in cultural exchange. Your au pair will share her own culture and language with your whole family. He or she will also want to learn more about America. Most host families and au pairs keep in touch beyond their au pair year and often visit each other again in the U.S. or overseas.

Au pair program is regulated by the Department of State and only few agencies can bring au pairs into the US. We handle all of the logistics and paperwork.  Many parents are surprised how affordable and flexible this type of childcare is. 

Learn More

Want to learn more about hosting? Please fill out this interest form

Thanks so much Marcela for sharing about au pairs and how they can help your family. I’m feel more informed. It sounds like a great service for busy moms. Marcela’s website link is here if you would like to learn more.


what's an au pair? learn more


What is an au pair?