waiting for you to arrive:
This is my husband (Tyler) and my first baby, and expecting a little man! My husband and I met in an internship program (for the same company we both now still work for) in summer 2017 and it’s been a fast paced love story ever since. This baby was a bit of a surprise (we just got married in October) but it has been THE BEST surprise ever. Even though 2020 is supposedly the worst year ever, we’re about to get to the best part for us 😉
We like to imagine a long, healthy life for our son doing what makes him happy!

I hope we raise a good, kind, strong person who sticks up for what’s right and leaves a light wherever he goes.
Since he will also be half black, I hope others judge him for the content of his character and not the color of his skin. Especially during this time, this has been heavy on our hearts.
Those are the biggest things that come to mind for what we want for his future…though his dad might add D1 athlete 😉
The most important thing I want him to know is that I love him very much. I’m not perfect but I will always try my best to be the best for him. I’ve worked very hard to be where I’m at in my career, but I will work harder to make our family life a priority. I also have the best mom, so you’re lucky in the grandma department 🙂

Anyone whose given birth, going to give birth or a mother during this quarantine is a special type of warrior.
All mothers during this time are dealing with isolation, uncertainty of safety and economic turmoil on top of growing/raising little humans.
I think the most encouraging thing I can say is even if this is the hardest thing we ever do, we will come out stronger. Closer to our partners/families. Well rested (hopefully, or at least better) because we’ve taken a break from running around and overcommitting ourselves. Spent more time with our partners/kids/doing self-care than before.
Yes, we’re having virtual baby showers, birthdays and celebrations. Postponed vacations and outings. Stressed family members and friends. Even stressed and anxious ourselves. It all will come to an end eventually, and we’ll look back and go wow…we made it.

I’m a warrior, and if I get through 2020 I can get through anything.
Besides being quarantined since mid-March we’ve had some interesting stuff happen. The biggest thing that’s happened is we’ve only owned one car since we got engaged, and we FINALLY got Ty his truck in April before baby got here. One night our cars were parked out front of our house, and a drunk driver crashed into both totaling mine and causing over $6k in damage on his truck we had for less than a week. Thankfully the driver was insured, but now we’re back to one car. On a positive note, since both of us have been working from home and not going anywhere we haven’t needed two cars. If it was going to happen this was the “perfect time”.
Happy news that’s happened during quarantine: one of our best friends had a healthy baby girl in March!

Feelings after you arrived:
Finally seeing and holding him was incredible. Looking at his face and talking to him made the rest of the room stop like no one was there. I was taken aback he was already opening his eyes to look at me like he was studying all my features like I was studying his.
I had a natural birth, so I think my biggest surprise was how out of it I really got towards the end. My husband likes to tell me the details I don’t remember, including being upset when he got Bojangles for dinner. Apparently I made him throw away the trash outside the delivery room.

The best part of being a new mom is the baby snuggles!
I love how he’ll nudge his head right under my chin and lay there completely content. I also love learning his mannerisms and personality as it starts to show.
The hardest part of being a new mom just when you think you have it figured out, something changes and you have to adjust. It’s a lot of trial and error learning what works for your baby and you. I think the hardest part of that is sometimes not knowing what to do to console him when he’s upset because we’ve tried everything, or when he’s in pain. In those moments I wish I could snap my finger and make it go away for him, but all I can do is stay strong and comfort him.
I’m surprised by how smart babies are when they’re born. He’s already figuring out different things including attempting to kiss our faces when we go to kiss him. Also the amount of wipes we’ve used is a lot more than I thought!

I’m honored to know this Warrior mom
and to have been able to capture these precious memories for her family. Stay tuned for more from this beautiful family as we follow their journey through the first year in the Little Love Stories Series.
Little Love Stories series is meant to capture the newness of the beginning, how small and innocent and the amazing changes that happen over the first year. Capturing the baby stage is a wonderful gift for your child.
If you’d like to learn more click the ‘apply now’ button below and I’ll ask you a few questions to be sure we’re the right fit.
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Planning your newborn session now read this quick but on point article and what to wear for your newborn session.