Katie and Kameron One Month old
Congratulations Mom, your baby is one month old. How are you feeling after the 1st month? Physically, emotionally or mentally. (remember there are no right or wrong answers)
- To be completely honest, I’m 100% drained physically, emotionally and mentally. Being a mom is HARD and the first month has been really hard. Besides the normal sleep deprivation, my little one has had a
hard time with colic and gas making him miserable every day. When your baby is miserable, it makes you miserable or feel like you’re not doing anything right. Now that we have figured out the root cause making him feel sick I’m starting to feel more confident and content as a mom. Plus I’m starting to get more sleep!
What has been your favorite part of the first month with baby?
- Watching him do new things almost every day. I’m amazed by how much he changes. I also love seeing how much he lights up seeing his dad, grandparents and other family. He already knows who his people are even at a month old. All the baby snuggles are the best too.
What has been a struggle? was it a surprise or expected?
- Breastfeeding! Just when I thought I had it down/baby was getting better we took two steps backward. Everyone keeps telling me he’ll go longer between feedings and it gets easier, but every baby is different. I think the biggest thing I’ve learned it’s ok if you need to supplement with formula or pump and give bottles (to give you and your body a break). I didn’t realize how hard it would be to have a little human attached to your body 24/7. I’ve also been diagnosed with postpartum depression and anxiety. It wasn’t a surprise or expected, but something that has been a struggle. I think more moms/their partners should check in on their mental health because my doctor and therapist were so happy we caught it early. Apparently a lot of moms suffer in silence and go untreated, making it harder to work through later. Now that I’m on a plan to treat it I’m enjoying being a mom and my baby.
How has your relationship with your spouse changed over the last few months?
- It has brought us closer together. Our communication and teamwork has had to be on point to get through the 1st month of baby. Part of communicating is checking in on each other’s emotional and physical health, which hasn’t always been a focus for us. The other part is I’m having to rely on my husband more than ever; I’m pretty independent, so the amount of help I’ve had to have from him has been a lot. He’s taken on caring for me and baby amazingly, and it makes me love him even more. We’ve also had to be more intentional to separate being mom/dad from being husband/wife. We try to have husband/wife time every day even if it’s a 10 minute conversation that doesn’t involve talking about the baby.
What would you tell an expecting mom about the first month with baby?
1) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If someone offers, take it.
2) When you get a break, basic human needs are not self-care (sleeping, showering, eating etc). Go out to get a pedicure or massage or whatever you need mentally to relax even for just an hour.
3) Check in on yourself mentally. If you’re feeling things you think you shouldn’t talk to your doctor. Postpartum depression and anxiety are common, but not something you should have to live with so you can enjoy your baby. Being a new mom is hard enough and you shouldn’t suffer in silence.
Personal side note every word of this interview is pure gold, thank you so much for sharing your words with us, Katie. I want to share them with all the moms to be and new moms who feel like it is just them. -alicia
Expecting a baby here is a great list of New Mom Must Haves from my dear friend Olivia’s blog here.
[…] more real-life moments, hop over to my friend, Alicia’s honest interview with a brand-new mom gushing over all of the new feels, emotions, and hopes for her […]