We had planned…, A New Baby Just Laughs At Our Plans

My fiance and I became engaged on March 13 of this year – literally days before everything crashed down around us. We were just beginning to plan a wedding when we found out I was pregnant in early April. Needless toPilot legacy baby portrait, Charlotte NC, Fort MIll, SC say, plans have changed. We focused instead on buying our dream house and preparing to meet our little boy, Owen. My fiance, Chris, is amazing and has been so excited about this time in our lives!   


Describe your pregnancy journey. Have you had any surprises (good or bad)? *   


I got pregnant much faster than anticipated. My fiance and I agreed I should get off birth control because we knew we were planning to start a family after we were married. I’m 37, so we honestly thought it would be tougher. I got pregnant one month off birth control even though my Dr. prepared us for a long journey. What a surprise! we are so excited. It’s been newborn baby, blue, Charlotte, NC, Matthews NC, Fort Mill, NCa tough pregnancy (Still have morning sickness), but trying to find the joy and embrace this season.   



What do you imagine for your child’s future? *   


I want him to be HAPPY. I want him to have choices, to know he’s loved, to love others, and to be kind.   

newborn baby, mechanic legacy, Charlotte, NC, Matthews NC, Fort Mill, NC   

What would you like your baby to know about YOU? *   


I’d like him to know that I’m not perfect, but am going to try every day to be the best mom possible for him.   


Is there an encouraging message you would like to share with other expecting mothers? *   


You’re going to be an amazing mom!   


What else would you like to share?*   Mom with new baby, Charlotte NC, Fort Mill SC


I really want to remember this special time. I know the newborn phase can be crazy and I don’t want to have it go by and only remember it being a haze. I’d love to have photos of this time and always remember this new time for us.   





Baby is here!   



Tell us about the first moments with your baby?   


Overwhelming. We had to do a c-section, so the first few moments weren’t exactly as planned but seeing him for the first time made me realize the only thing that matters is having a healthy baby boy. Thankfully my husband was able to be with Owen and hold him until I was out of recovery.   


Any surprises in labor and delivery? Anything you didn’t expect?  

Music man, baby posed on records, Charlotte NC, Fort MIll SC   

I truly was not ready for the physical pain of contractions and the emotional pain of my ideal birth scenario going out the window.   


What’s the best part of being a new mom?   


Seeing things through his eyes. Everything is brand new to him. Then there are things that are brand new to both of us, like breastfeeding and just figuring it out together has been amazing.   


What’s the hardest part?   

new baby in mom's belly cast, Fort Mill SC, Indian Land SC, Charlotte NC   

Worrying that I’m not doing the right thing all the time. There’s so much I don’t know.


What did you have planned before your baby arrived? Share in the comments


Charlotte NC Newborn Photographer: We planned…, New Baby Just Laughs At Our Plans