a reminder from my son
A reel I created for fun. Watch to see my maternity portrait artwork in my home.
Can I tell you a quick story?
The other day my son had some friends over. (They are 8) they came upstairs to see something in his room. I overheard this conversation from my home office. We have wall art of our family photos on the stairs, and the first canvas is from my pregnancy with him. It is a simple close-up of my pregnant belly. Followed by a family portrait from the same session.
His friend: hey what’s this photo? Why is she naked?
My son: (super proud) Oh that’s my mom when she was pregnant with me! I’m a baby in her belly!
Friend: huh
Why do I tell you this? Why wall art matters
Because in that moment I was reminded of why I create artwork for my expecting moms. I do it for the children. My son was super proud to explain that to him that photograph reminds him that he was wanted and loved before he was even born. He was waiting for with anticipation. The portraits I create are not only a work of art they are an expression of love.

Motherhood is an amazing journey and while it’s never really easy it is so worth it. Reminding my children every day that they are loved and cherished with a visual reminder in our home is a promise to them that I will never stop loving them the way I have since they were born.
Why does this matter to you if you are expecting a baby
I’ve been asked a few times this week why I offer maternity wall portraits. Things like “Will they want these portraits up in their home in 10 years, 20 years? Wouldn’t they prefer to have them in an album so they can put them away?” My question to them is why would they hide this expression of love? Look I’m a realist I get that sometimes decor changes or you may downsize at some point when you are a grandparent and your maternity portraits may not need to be front and center. But right now when your children are young and living at home they need these visual reminders. When the world outside seems harsh. They need to know and feel without a doubt that a home is a place they are loved and safe. They need to feel without a doubt that they matter.
Maternity photography is not for every mom, but if it’s for you think about why wall art matters during the process.
I get that some moms just don’t want to take maternity portraits and some don’t want them hanging on the walls at home. That’s cool no one is forcing this choice on you. But for me and my work, if you want to have a portrait in your home showcasing your pregnancy. Reminding your babies that they are loved. I’m here for that. Give me a call at 803-336-5125, and let’s create some amazing artwork for you and your home.

Get in touch and learn more about my work here https://insleyphoto.com/contact